If you provide your personal details and complete the following online survey by 11:59 pm (AEST) December 31, 2023, you will automatically go into the Prize Draw with a chance to win a $100 online supermarket gift card.
This prize pool will consist of 10 winners and each will have an online supermarket gift card valued at $100. These gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash and are not transferable.
All prizes will be drawn using a random draw system containing one entry of each participant by the unique Participant ID number. The prize draw will be conducted in the presence of a witness.
The Allen Study team will contact the 10 winners after the prize draws via email and the winners are required to respond to that email within 1 month for confirmation. The team will then arrange for the online delivery of the Prizes within 3 days.
Please ensure you have provided the email address you are using now in the consent form. If the team cannot reach the winner using the email address provided by the winner or do not receive a response from the winner within 1 month after the day the Prize is drawn, the team will conduct a re-draw in the same manner.